Saturday, February 28, 2009

Extra reviews

Hey everyone!

Just to make things easier, and I'll try to mention it in every blog... but for extra reviews, I always refer to or  I prefer to give you the sites, instead of specific reviews, so that you can read the good and the bad and decide for yourselves!

Also, it's hard for me to post direct links.  I'm on a Mac, and the links don't always insert correctly... and never wants to completely load on my dead-beat Internet connection.  But whenever I give specific information from one of these sites, or a different one, I'll include a link as best I can to give credit where credit's due.

As always, you can also look up the pro's reviews.  I just think viewer ones are better because no one's getting paid for which direction their thumb goes.  Siskel&Ebert are online, and usually the go-to for reviews.  Or, just Google it!

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