Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ladies and jellyspoons...

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome! The aim of my blog is to provide film-lovers with some artistic and unusual alternatives to the average American film. I'll be reviewing personally or providing reviews from other sources (such as rottentomatoes.com) of movies you can rent from video stores right here in Springfield! Or, if I happen to see something amazing that I have to tell you about that isn't available in town, I'll let you know where you can get it.

With any luck, you'll find a new favorite amongst my suggestions. Happy viewing!

1 comment:

  1. I love foreign films too - I've found that it's usually my only way of keeping up on my French major from undergrad (the first time around). Plus, they're always interesting and usually much more artistic than mainstream Hollywood.

    Now if only Redbox would expand into this genre, I'd be set!
