Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Anime Corner

Okay, so I'm giving into my more nerdy desires and have decided to start a little special section for my blog called "Anime Corner." Just to give you a little idea, "Anime Corner" will always be the title for each of these posts and they'll appear in my blog just like any other review I do. I'm making sure to distinct these posts from others just because anime is much different from your average foreign film, and because almost all of them are Asian-produced (usually Japanese). This way, if you're not an anime fan, or want to stick to the regular films, you'll know this post is a good one for you to skip. But I encourage everyone to try and watch at least one of these films! It's a good way to branch out.

If you don't know about anime, I'll give you a little background and then put my actual review in a following post. Anime is basically the title we use to distinguish Japanese animation films or television series from American cartoons. These films/series (I'll be focusing on films) have a completely unique style of drawing and their stories are often based somewhere in (typically) Japanese myth. Most of these creations aren't really "kid-friendly," hence why we avoid the term "cartoon." But the animation does give each one that nostalgic feel of watching beloved cartoons, and that's why I think anime is such a great art form. It's got the same warm-fuzzies of a cartoon, but characters and plots that adults and even older kids (depending on the film I'd say 11/12+) can appreciate.

Obviously, for more information on the history of anime, just type it into a search engine. I recommend because you avoid a lot of advertisements. But Google is always a good friend. Oh, and another catch... many of these films won't be available for renting. Some will--the more popular ones have found their way onto Blockbuster shelves. But others are still pretty obscure, and I will try my hardest to find a rental for them, or at least somewhere they can be purchased for cheap and then resold if you don't find it your cup of tea.

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