Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Don't Stop Believing!

So as a close to my blog--since, let's face it, I've had enough trouble fitting in time to do it as is... I've decided to throw out some new films that even I haven't seen. I'll be happy in knowing that my E&P friends may be watching them for the first time at the same time as me. I know the psychic link I've formed with my GREEN team will aid in this :)

I've researched the reviews on rottentomatoes.com for all of these, and picked the ones that got high marks on the "tomato meter." I've also included a couple that I've seen once, don't remember, or came in half-way through and was confused enough to need another viewing. Happy viewing, readers! I bid thee a fond auf wiedersehen, au revior, sayonara, zai jian, adios, and good night.

The Devil's Backbone: Spanish, part one of Guillermo del Toro's Spanish Civil War trilogy. 92% on the tomato meter (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/devils_backbone/)

House of Flying Daggers: Chinese, yet another film with the amazing Zhang Ziyi, 88% on the tomato meter (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/house_of_flying_daggers/)

Run Lola Run: German, directed by Tom Tykwer, 92% on the tomato meter (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/run_lola_run/)

La vie en Rose: French, starring Marion Cotillard who won best actress for her role, 75% on the tomato meter with a lot of word-of-mouth praise from peers (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/la_vie_en_rose/) 

Monday, May 4, 2009

La Vita e Bella (Life is Beautiful)

Blurb: Set in late 1930's Arezzo, Italy, Jewish poet Guido Orefice uses his wit and charm to win the heart of schoolteacher Dora. Their fairy tale romance ends in marriage, and produces their wide-eyed son Giosue. When Giosue's fifth birthday comes around, the happy family's party preparations are interrupted when the Nazi's arrest them and transport them to a concentration camp. Throughout their stay in the camp, Guido must use his gift of wit to protect his son from the horrible cruelties of Nazi-Germany. (I did this one... hope it doesn't suck)

Notables: won 3 Oscars in 1999 for best actor, best foreign language film, and best musical score. Nominated for 27 other awards and won 56 (imdb.com)

My thoughts: 4/5
I'm only giving it a 4 because I honestly can't remember this film very well. I watched it several years ago, in the English dub, and have only seen it a handful of times.
From what I can remember, however, this one is a heart-wrencher. The beginning is extremely endearing and hilarious, and makes both Guido and Dora characters to love. But after the Nazi's move in... well, as history has shown, everything goes to hell. The father-son dynamic is something almost anyone can relate to, and the acting is superb. I have never seen the original Italian, but I would suggest watching it in that format. Solely because the language is beautiful, and I remember the dub being very off from the mouth-movements of the actors.

Pan's Labyrinth

Blurb: "Spain, 1944. Officially, the Civil War has been over for five years, but a small group of rebels fights on unbroken in the northern mountains of Navarra. Dreamy 10-year-old Ofelia moves to Navarra with her delicate, pregnant mother Carmen , to become acquainted with her new stepfather, Captain Vidal, a Facist officer under orders to rid the territory of rebels. Ofelia, who is fascinated by fairy tales, discovers an overgrown, tumbledown labyrinth behind the mill. In the heart of the labyrinth she meets an ancient faun who claims to know her true identity and her secret destiny. But first, she must complete three tasks before the moon grows full. And no one must know: not her ailing mother, or her new friend, Mercedes. Time is running out, for Ofelia and for the rebels. Both will have to battle hardship and cruelty in order to gain their freedom. But, who can be trusted in a time of lies and danger? Is the faun telling the truth...? And if not, who is?"

Notables: Won 3 Oscars for art direction, cinematography, and makeup. Nominated for and won over 60 awards.

My thoughts: 5/5 
This film is amazing, to be frank. It will make you cringe, gasp, laugh, and cry. Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) is an endearing and captivating character that you find yourself relating to, especially if you were one of those imaginative kids back in your day.
The Oscars this film won were well deserved. The believability of these fantastical creatures del Torro brings to life is... well, unbelievable! I found myself shocked at how much there was for my eyes to take in! The story line gives whole new light to what a villain truly is and the power of imagination and the human heart.
The gorgeous Maribel Veruda (Y Tu Mama Tambien) returns as Mercedes, one of the most heartwarming and courageous female characters I've had the pleasure of watching. But don't be fooled by the title (as my mother and I were), this fairy tale is anything but happy, and certainly not kid-friendly. The story is dark, with the only pinpoints of light being Ofelia's unwavering innocence and love for her mother and Mercedes. Don't be shocked if a few moments take you aback--but they're well worth it.
Oh, and I definitely recommend watching it at least once in Spanish. The language is absolutely beautiful, and the voices the actors give their characters only heighten it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

... whoops...

So... talk about forgetting to make this blog at all Springfield-relevant...

In my earlier posts, you all have probably noticed that I told you where to find these movies around town. For some reason, I randomly forgot how to do that... apparently.

The last three I've posted (+ one anime corner selection) can all be found at the Blockbuster on Glenstone and Grand. These were: Casshern, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Natural City, and Princess Mononoke (anime corner). I'm sure they can be found at any Blockbuster, but I've never rented them from another place so be sure to call first and check.

Casshern and Princess Mononoke will definitely be available for purchase at Entertainmart or Vintage Stock. I'm still getting familiar with Y Tu Mama Tambien, so I'm not sure of its popularity here in the states (meaning, no idea how widespread you'd find it in Missouri). Natural City's pretty obscure state-side, so if you're lucky to find it, kudos! But I would recommend online purchase--faster and cheaper :)

Anime Corner

In this corner: Princess Mononoke

Blurb: "While protecting his village from a rampaging boar-god, the warrior Ashitaka is cursed with a rapidly spreading scar that threatens to end his life. Seeking a cure and a reason for the animal-god's attack, he journeys into the sacred depths of the Great Forest Spirit's realm. On the edge of this once serene forest, however, the Tatara clan have begun to destroy the surrounding land to produce iron. In retaliation, San, the adopted daughter of the wolf-god Moro, has begun raiding the Tatara fortress to stop their encroachment. Soon Ashitaka is caught in the middle and must stop the war between the humans and the forest dwellers before they destroy each other." (rottentomatoes.com)

Notables: 11 award wins and 5 nominations (according to imdb.com, though not all are listed); including award from the Japanese Academy for best film

My thoughts: 5/5

This is possibly one of the best animated films I've ever seen. Hayao Miyazaki once again marries beautiful artwork with a storyline that will find its way into the classics. True to his normal style, the film does contain a bit (understatement) of social commentary. Still, it is a fantasy unlike any other (remember wanting to ride around on giant animals when you were a kid? well, they get to!). It hearkens up childhood memories while still providing adult-level entertainment--something I'm starting to believe only Miyazaki can do.

Really, I have no complaints with this film. There are a few loose ends that could have been raveled up, but nothing that cuts into the basic plot as a whole. I've even watched the English dub of this film (in fact, that's how I was introduced to it), and truthfully it's one of the better ones I've seen. So for this one, I of course always recommend the subtitled version (the language is Japanese for anyone who doesn't know)--but if you're not wanting to read along, I definitely give the "OK" for the dub.

Side note for parents: this one's okay for slightly older kids, I'd say. By our standards it would probably have a PG rating, mostly for violence.

Natural City

Blurb: "Earning comparisons to such classics as Blade Runner and The Matrix, this Korean sci-fi feature takes place in the year 2080. Following a battle that nearly destroyed everything, a city has been rebuilt. This city is technologically advanced, and has become dependent on the cyborgs that its people created. Similar in many ways to humans, the cyborgs gradually begin to rebel against their makers. Torn between his secret love for a cyborg and and his duty to his fellow humans, R must make a world-shattering choice." (rottentomatoes.com)

Notables: Won the Grand Bell Award in South Korea (Best Visual Effects), nominated for best film at Fantasporta (International Fantasy Film Award)

My thoughts: 4/5
I've only seen this once, but Natural City definitely made an impression on me. Unlike most sci-fi (especially a lot of Asian-country based sci-fi's) films, Natural City has a pretty good blend of amazing technological goodies and actual plot-line that's understandable. It surprised me, to be sure. I was watching an action packed thrill fest with lots of flashy lights and gadgets, when suddenly the age-old "human element" snuck up on me and whacked me over the head with a tear-jerking scene.

And yes, I know "snuck" is not a word.

Natural City's language is Korean, as mentioned above. The subtitles are on par, but I have not watched the dubbed version (I never do, to be fair). The main characters (R, Cyon, and Ria) each have their own likability that keep the story interesting. Though I will admit, if you're one for character development, it doesn't happen much in this film (barring a couple characters, and the changes are a bit minor in most instances).

I give it a 4/5 because the writers tried to use mystery as a plot device, and in my opinion kind of failed. It's entertaining, visually stimulating to boot, and the ending is heartfelt (albeit on the depressing end of the spectrum). But holding off valuable information pretty much throughout the film makes most viewers (especially those not savvy to the common blunders of subtitles) a little confused. Still, as long as it's worth a second watch--which I say it is--I guess the bits you miss out on the first round come into focus the next time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Y Tu Mama Tambien

Blurb: "Abandoned by their girlfriends for the summer, teenagers Tenoch and Julio meet the older Luisa at a wedding.  Trying to be impressive, the friends tell Luisa they are headed on a road trip to a beautiful, secret beach called Boca del Cielo.  Intrigued with their story and desperate to escape, Luisa asks is she can join them on their trip.  Soon the three are headed out of Mexico City, making their way toward the fictional destination.  Along the way, seduction, argument and the contrast of the trio against the harsh realities of the surrounding poverty ensue." (imdb.com)

Notables: Between 2001 and 2003, "Mama" won 27 various awards (Venice Film Festival's best screenplay award) and was nominated for 16 including an Oscar.  Because imdb.com is only allowed to display so much for free, there are most likely more than this!

My Thoughts: 4/5
AWKWARD!!  While most synopsis will tell you there is sexual content, they REALLY glaze over how much.  I wouldn't call these scenes "gratuitous," but I also had a hard time watching it with two of my girlfriends.  The plot deals with social issues as well as elements of the human condition, regardless of $$$ lines.  It shows the power of sex and the effects it can have on the basic relationships we're all apart of.  The dialogue is funny, and the character of Luisa (played by Maribel Verdu, "Mercedes" from Pan's Labyrinth) is powerful and amazing.  But this is definitely a film I would recommend watching alone (get your mind out of the gutter)!  Solely because the content will most likely make you really uncomfortable in the presence of others.
I give it a 4/5.  The subtitles are well done and the story is compelling.  But again, it's not a friend-gathering movie :)