Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Y Tu Mama Tambien

Blurb: "Abandoned by their girlfriends for the summer, teenagers Tenoch and Julio meet the older Luisa at a wedding.  Trying to be impressive, the friends tell Luisa they are headed on a road trip to a beautiful, secret beach called Boca del Cielo.  Intrigued with their story and desperate to escape, Luisa asks is she can join them on their trip.  Soon the three are headed out of Mexico City, making their way toward the fictional destination.  Along the way, seduction, argument and the contrast of the trio against the harsh realities of the surrounding poverty ensue." (imdb.com)

Notables: Between 2001 and 2003, "Mama" won 27 various awards (Venice Film Festival's best screenplay award) and was nominated for 16 including an Oscar.  Because imdb.com is only allowed to display so much for free, there are most likely more than this!

My Thoughts: 4/5
AWKWARD!!  While most synopsis will tell you there is sexual content, they REALLY glaze over how much.  I wouldn't call these scenes "gratuitous," but I also had a hard time watching it with two of my girlfriends.  The plot deals with social issues as well as elements of the human condition, regardless of $$$ lines.  It shows the power of sex and the effects it can have on the basic relationships we're all apart of.  The dialogue is funny, and the character of Luisa (played by Maribel Verdu, "Mercedes" from Pan's Labyrinth) is powerful and amazing.  But this is definitely a film I would recommend watching alone (get your mind out of the gutter)!  Solely because the content will most likely make you really uncomfortable in the presence of others.
I give it a 4/5.  The subtitles are well done and the story is compelling.  But again, it's not a friend-gathering movie :)

1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie also, but I think I blanked it out because I remember nothing. I probably had to fast forward through much of it. hee hee
